

Nice to meet you. I’m ExoTaro. I apologize for the pseudonym, as you may have noticed.

Currently, I am unable to handle all potential troubles that may arise under my own responsibility, and there is a possibility that I may cause inconvenience to the research institute or organization I am affiliated with. Therefore, for the time being, I would like to communicate under a pseudonym. Once I obtain a position where I can take responsibility for myself, I would like to communicate openly under my own name. I hope you understand.

I am conducting research at the medical department of Yale University, which is part of the Ivy League in the United States. While I have been active as a physician in Japan, my focus is currently on medical research. I am involved in both basic and clinical research, primarily focusing on the development of novel treatment methods using stem cells. Allow me to briefly explain my background.


My Background

I would like to present my background in a format resembling a hospital chart.

Age: 40, Gender: Male, Right-handed, Independent in Activities of Daily Living, Naturally Healthy, No Medication History, Current Medical History: None. Allergy History: None, I believe… Previous History: 1980 – Born in Miyazaki. Grateful to my parents who gave birth to me. 1980 – Elementary school years. The most shining time of my life!? I was the student council president and the ace of the soccer team in a rural elementary school. 1990 – Stayed in Melbourne, Australia due to my father’s work. Engaged in international exchange through soccer. Being young, I had no consciousness of being overseas and the concept of borders disappeared. I mastered body language and became confident that I could survive even without speaking English. Later on, this experience became a setback. Moles doubled… I developed a slight interest in the global environment. 1990 – Transferred to private ○○○○ Junior High School in Kumamoto. Joined the soccer club and had a great time. Once again, I made friends through soccer and experienced the greatness of sports. 1990 – Kumamoto Prefectural ○○○ High School. I realized that I couldn’t keep up with the level of soccer. I switched to the tennis club, where I seemed to have a chance at becoming a regular. I was fully dedicated, but I kept losing in the first round (T_T). However, in the last year’s prefectural qualifying tournament for the Inter-High, I made it to the Round of 16 for the first time! This was a turning point in my life. Believing in the fruitfulness of effort, I decided to pursue medical school. Unfortunately, I failed spectacularly. 1990 – Took a gap year. Dark times. I did nothing but study. Continued to receive E grades on practice exams. It was tough. I will share this experience at a later date. It is sure to be helpful for many aspiring students. 2000 – Failed the university entrance exam again. Determined to continue pursuing medical school. Miraculously, I was accepted into the medical department at Kumamoto University, probably ranking at the bottom. Immediately started working multiple part-time jobs. Moving, newspaper delivery, karaoke, motorcycle factory, and more. Discovered that I was suited for customer service jobs. 2002 – Joined the light music club. Became obsessed with playing the guitar, but didn’t improve much. Even though I devoted myself to practice, I couldn’t cure my tone deafness (T_T). Convinced myself that music is meant to be enjoyed and left the light music club. Now I specialize in listening to live performances. 2004 – Faced with the polytechnic examination, I was dumbfounded by my lack of knowledge. Started studying medicine seriously. 2005 – Met Professor Yoneda from Kyoto University, Dr. Minamibuchi from Yamato-Naruse Hospital, Dr. Nagayoshi from Ogura Memorial Hospital, and Professor Fukushima from Shonan Kamakura General Hospital. I was impressed by the doctors who were working on a global scale. I made a major decision to take the USMLE Step 1 exam, aiming for a score of 90%. Even though I worked hard, I barely passed. 2006 – Broke, without status, I got married when I managed to become a doctor. However, during the early years of internship, I only saw my wife a few times a month. We were both new to the workforce, so we were absorbed in our jobs. My job kept me busy, but I was able to see many patients. The body moves before the mind. I realized that was not enough. 2008 – Finally started working on stroke treatment. Trained to diagnose using catheters. Participated in conferences in France (oral presentation) and Spain (poster presentation), and enjoyed the excitement of international conferences. 2009 – To broaden my horizons, I rotated through neurology and cardiology departments. Presented at ESC 2009 in Stockholm, Sweden (oral presentation) and received the Junior Investigator Award. 2011 – ISC2011 AHA in L.A, US (poster presentation), visited the Interventional Therapy Department at UCLA Medical Center. Decided to study abroad in the United States. In September, my mother was diagnosed with stage 4 liver cancer. She came from Kumamoto to the Kanto region, and we started home medical care in November. She passed away in January of the following year. Feeling the limits of medicine, I decided to start with basic medicine and develop novel treatment methods. 2013 – Moved to Sapporo. Started clinical trials and research on regenerative therapy for cerebral infarction. Entered graduate school and conducted research while providing clinical trial treatment. 2017 – Earned a doctorate in medicine. 2018 – Received the Best Presentation Award at the Annual Meeting of the Japan Stroke Society. Uehara Memorial Life Science Fellowship. Moved to Yale University. Postdoctoral Associate. 2022 – Presented at the Neurotrauma 2022 Invited Symposium. Promoted to Associate Research Scientist at Yale School of Medicine. Current Medical History: None.

Life Goals

My research aims to create a society where even one less bedridden person and as many people as possible can lead a happy life. I will never forget the sense of despair when I realized there were no treatment options for my mother’s terminal cancer. I want to provide scientifically effective treatment options to patients who want to live and improve their condition as much as possible. I will strive to ensure that all individuals have equal access to treatment through medical insurance. In other words, I will conduct thorough research from basic medicine to clinical research and deliver evidence-based treatment to people around the world. I feel uncomfortable with treatment being limited to those who have economic means. Of course, I do not deny it.
Furthermore, I have a strong desire to communicate from Japan. As the industrial structure evolves, I firmly believe that the cell therapy industry will be Japan’s weapon to lead the world 10-30 years from now. While there may be clinical trials conducted in the United States, I will focus on communication from Japan and aim to lead the world in collaboration with Japanese companies.

Currently, I am conducting basic and clinical research on stem cells and the exosomes secreted by stem cells. My focus is mainly in the United States. I will occasionally share the cutting-edge knowledge of cell therapy, exosome therapy, longevity, and neurodegenerative diseases. Enjoy the creative world that AI cannot provide.
